A twist on traditional Irish Soda Bread from the east coast of Canada. Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire. ~Gustav Mahler When I was young I had the good fortune to travel to Ireland several times to visit with my mother's family. During … [Read more...]
Butternut Cornbread
I love cornbread plus I love butternut squash equals Butternut Cornbread. It may also be the result of the unholy amount of massive squash that took over the kitchen after I harvested what I could find from my desperately neglected garden. They stealthed through … [Read more...]
Meatless Monday: Potato Flat Bread
I love old cookbooks, especially ones from the Depression and war years. I love the can-do spirit that pervades them.. Thriftiness and ingenuity defined that generation whose skills were hard won in a world turned upside-down. In an effort to conserve wheat for the troops, many … [Read more...]
Cranberry Jalapeno Drop Scones
In my mind, it's perfectly acceptable to combine cranberries and lemon, but cranberries and strawberries must never mix. Cranberries and apples? Anytime. Cranberries and blueberries? Absolutely not. For some reason my mind has developed a complex Venn diagram around cranberries. … [Read more...]
Buttermilk Cheese Bread
Buttermilk Cheese Bread will help make a simple supper soup something just a bit more. You can vary it with whatever cheeses you prefer, but make sure to grate half and cube the rest so that you get good bites of cheese throughout. The recipe calls for dried onion flakes instead … [Read more...]