Slow Cooker Taco Potatoes are easy and exactly the kind of dish you can task the younger (or less culinarily-inclined) humans in your house with preparing. Plus they are not expensive and they have salsa in them, so that makes them work for a whole lot of people (and all the … [Read more...]
Meatless Monday: One Pot Pasta and Lentils
Whatever is happening, you still need to eat. You still need to feed your people. So here's One Pot Pasta and Lentils. There's not a lot of fuss. You can add extra vegetables to it. Or not. Olives. Maybe artichokes. You can let your mind meander through memories … [Read more...]
Meatless Monday: One-dish Beans and Cornbread
Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. ~Desmond Tutu In dark times it can be hard to remember the good that exists in this world. I think hope and optimism are acts of bravery. We are meant to be beacons … [Read more...]
Mother Hubbard One-dish Lentils and Rice
Old Mother Hubbard / Went to the cupboard / To get her poor dog a bone; But when she came there / The cupboard was bare, And so the poor dog had none. ~Mother Goose Even when you like to cook, there are times when it is undoubtedly a chore. Sometimes it's all you can do to chop … [Read more...]
Tofu-free Vegetarian Lasagna
The house has to please everyone, contrary to the work of art which does not. The work is a private matter for the artist. The house is not. ~Adolf Loos When vegetarians and omnivores share the same table, sometimes it can be hard to please everyone. This vegetarian lasagna does … [Read more...]