You wouldn’t think – from a casual glance at the cereal section of any average North American grocery store – that the highly competitive breakfast cereal industry was started by a vegetarian doctor promoting a grain-based breakfast concoction to meat-loving patrons of his upscale wellness clinic in New York state.
Dr. Jackson was eventually the inspiration of a certain John Henry Kellogg who went on to develop a more palatable formulation that he called (after a legal battle) granola.
And from those healthy beginnings sprang aisles-ful of choco-mallow-sugar bombs with advertising budgets that could match the incomes of small countries, with even the healthier options having a huge dollar-per-unit-of-nutrition ratio.
For something cheaper, try this Breakfast Rice Pudding made from leftover brown rice. It can simmer for a few minutes while you enjoy your coffee or feed the cats.
I like to use almond milk because it doesn’t stick and burn as easily as milk (which allows me to be more on auto-pilot first thing in the morning), but use whatever you prefer.
Double or triple the quantities as needed.

- 1 cup / 250 ml leftover brown rice
- 1 cup / 250 ml almond milk or substitute your favorite type of milk
- 1-1/2 teaspoons / 7.5 ml maple syrup honey or brown sugar
- 1/4 cup / 60 ml raisins
- Pinch salt
- Optional toppings: nuts fruit, jam, preserves...
Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes, or until rice is very soft and has absorbed most of the milk.
Serve warm with toppings of choice.
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