Mardi Gras. Pancake Day. Shrove Tuesday.
Depending on your location and traditions, this Tuesday – about 6-1/2 weeks before Easter Sunday – is the last day before Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent.
The tradition of pancakes came about as a way to use up oil, eggs and sugar prior to the abstinence of Lent.
For me, growing up as a Catholic kid, this was always a powerful time of year.
While we all looked forward to celebrating ‘Pancake Day’, it was also a time to begin thinking about what we would give up. Most often it was candy, sometimes television, or occasionally (for some), tormenting a sibling.
On Pancake Day, we would also have ready our Development and Peace can. It sat on the table and we would contribute to it throughout Lent. The money collected would then go towards the particular campaign for that year.
You can find information and resources for this year’s Share Lent campaign on the Development and Peace website.
This DIY Pancake Mix is adapted from The More-With-Less Cookbook. This has been one of my favorite cookbooks for many years.
The spirit of this cookbook, and others from the Mennonite Central Committee, is always one of sharing the earth’s resources.
A fitting choice for Pancake Day, I think.

- 3 cups / 750 ml whole wheat flour
- 3 cups / 750 ml all-purpose flour
- 1 tablespoon / 15 ml salt
- 6 tablespoons / 90 ml baking powder
- 1-1/2 tablespoons / 22.5 ml baking soda
- 6 tablespoons / 90 ml sugar
Stir all ingredients together until well mixed.
Store in an airtight container in cupboard.
Makes about 7 cups / 1.75 liters of mix.
To make pancakes:
Put 1-1/2 cups of mix in bowl.
In separate bowl, beat together:
1 egg
1 cup / 250 ml milk (or buttermilk/sour milk)
2 tablespoons / 30 ml oil
Add milk mixture to dry ingredients all at once.
Stir until blended, but not smooth.
Let batter sit for 5 -10 minutes before using.
Cook on heated fry pan or griddle.
Makes about 12 (4-inch / 10 cm) pancakes.
Photo by David Clark
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